聖誕期間Kelly & Ruby於Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel享用豐富的自助午餐及欣賞到澳洲小廚神亞軍Jack Kibble的甜品示範,還有小丑哥哥扭氣球、聖誕老人派禮物,以及面部彩繪環節,節目非常豐富呢~
我們先品嚐豐富的自助午餐,然後Jack Kibble示範兩款美味甜品製作~
澳洲小廚神Jack Kibble示範的兩款甜品分別是: Christmas Berry Pavlova,Christmas Tree Cupcake,我很喜歡Christmas Berry Pavlova,味道非常好,不會太甜,外脆內有點嚼口,遲些我會按照食譜製作,希望可以製作到同樣美味啦~
《Christmas Berry Pavlova》
《Christmas Tree Cupcake》
小廚神Jack Kibble很親切,每一個步驟都講解得很清晰,還邀請在場小朋友一同參予,大家都很投入呢~
哈哈~沒想到Jack是如此高大,跟他合照..我變成小矮人了~ hahaha~
Kelly & Ruby的面部彩繪真的各有風格,Ruby選擇孩子氣的小企鵝,而Kelly頗為別樹一格,差點還以為是Halloween呢^e^"~ 她應該是雪花仙子吧~
附上Christmas Berry Pavlova食譜(serves 10 persons)
.8 egg whites
.3 cups caster sugar
.3 tabs corn flour, sifted
.3 tabs white vinegar
.3 teaspoon vanilla
.1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
.300ml cream
.Purple and white edible flowers
.Electric mixer
.Mixing spoons
.Measuring cups
.Measuring spoons
.Baking tray
.Baking paper
Preparation Steps
.Preheat oven to 140 degrees.
.Line a baking tray with baking paper.
.Use an electric mixer to whisk eggs whites to stiff peaks, and then gradually add the sugar whisking until thick and glossy. Add the corn flour, vinegar and cinnamon and shisk. Spoon the mixture onto the baking paper.
.Place in oven; reduce temperature to 120 degrees and bake for 1 hour. Turn off oven and leave to cool completely while inside oven.
.To decorate, whip the cream to soft peaks and spoon over the pavlova then arrange the berries and cherries on top.
Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel
電話: 3969 1888
地址: 香港大嶼山香港國際機場航天城東路一號
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